Grade Five

Grade Five is the first official year of the senior school, which brings with it new and exciting opportunities to take ownership of learning and develop leadership skills. The students work towards describing the characteristics of respectful relationships and identify ways that they can contribute to positive relationships being achieved and maintained. As Grade Five is a NAPLAN year, students are supported to prepare for this with a focus on understanding the components of the test, and a clear understanding of test conditions and expectations. 

In Grade Five, students attend a 3-day outdoor activity camp that encourages team building and appreciation of nature. It is a great way for students and teachers to get to know each other and establish strong and effective working relationships. Grade Five students also have the chance to participate in Interschool Sports where they represent Holy Eucharist and compete against other schools. Through this experience students learn important skills such as teamwork, fair and respectful play and resilience.

Grade 5, Term 1 Outline - 2025