Grade Three

In Grade Three, students continue to develop their understanding of themselves and others, and work towards managing their relationships and learning more effectively. Students build on their numeracy and literacy skills and engage in learning experiences to extend their knowledge and skills. They learn about the important Sacraments in the Catholic faith, in particular the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and make further connections to the traditions of the Catholic church. Grade Three students continue to identify their personal strengths and select personal qualities that could be further developed. 

Students in Grade Three have the opportunity to take part in their first Sacrament, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, preparing in class and by attending a workshop with their family, before a church ceremony. They participate in a ‘Big Day In’ where they engage in new experiences and celebrate what it means to be a Holy Eucharist student. This experience gives students an opportunity to develop their independence and teamwork skills.

Grade 3, Term 1 Outline - 2025